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Create a buffer around collected points?

10-13-2021 08:58 AM
Occasional Contributor


I'm trying to figure out if Field Maps is able to work for a workflow my team is developing for a client. The client is looking to collect features out in the field, which Field Maps is clearly suited for. However, they also want to be able to generate buffers around the collected features, and I have not been able to find any documentation saying whether or not it is possible to do this within Field Maps. Can Field Maps itself generate buffers around collected features, or does this require a separate solution?

Thank you!

19 Replies
Frequent Contributor

I also have a need to draw a buffer around a collected point while in the field, and likely working offline. Did you determine whether this is possible? 

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Stranhanjen,

I unfortunately never found a solution for this. I think the only workaround is generating the buffer in Pro and adding it to the webmap, which is not terribly useful. Hope you find a solution!

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New Contributor

I would also like to know if this is possible. Did either of you ever find a way to do this?

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New Contributor

One way could be to use Attribute rules and create a constraint around the feature class. There will be no visualized representation but could be useful is data collection is constrained within or outside the buffer

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Esri Contributor

Do folks still have this need? If so could you share your use cases.

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Emerging Contributor

Yes! We carry out arboricultural assessment reports (essentially a tree survey) and our site plans require tree crowns to be displayed.
Our current work around is to gather the data in field, export to ArcGIS Pro and then manually create the crowns as a buffer of a collected field before exporting into report. It works for now, but is manual and way more time consuming than it should be. We carry out about 300 surveys a month so having this in app would save us an awful lot of time.

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Frequent Contributor

Hi Sarah, 

Thanks for asking...

We need the radius around a nest. Raptors are 300 ft, and all others are 50 ft. It would be nice for the team to see the radius on the inbox basemap and on feature reports. I was hoping there was a piece of code we could add to the geoshape to get the shape to draw. 


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Esri Contributor

Does this need to be a feature folks can view and edit or could it be just a representation of the radius as a graphic on the map? 

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Frequent Contributor

Viewing only, please. 

Representing the radius as a graphic on the map would be perfect.