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Validation of data entry with messages in Field Maps

08-17-2023 04:42 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor

It would be very very useful to be able to use Arcade to validate user data entry in Field Maps, and produce an appropriate message if it fails validation. At the moment we have a work around where we create a deliberate error triggering an error message, but it is far from ideal.

We are looking for the functionality similar to what Sweet offers for validation. 



1 Comment

Hi Folks,

Incredible this idea wasn't suggested a long time ago. Here's a real use case:

We need to compare last census tree width with the new width, and to inform the user in case the values are less than 2mm or more than 50mm than the last census values. An arcade expression makes it easy to do but there's no way to show or display such a message.

The cumbersome workaround is to add a field... a field to show this message. Not a great solution.
