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Option to disable or limit coordinate searching in Field Maps

07-23-2024 10:44 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

The search box in Field Maps will automatically allow searching by coordinates. While this could be generally useful for our staff, a specific situation exists where it is extremely unsuitable.

Our primary asset id across the organisation is in the form Axxxxxx.

This format coincidentally matches the Universal Polar Stereographic Zone Identifier format (alphanumeric, prefixed with A, B, Y or Z).

The result for our field staff is that searching for any asset id will return a junk UTM result in Antarctica, which effectively hides the real search result they are looking for.



We'd really love it if we could prevent the search box from performing a coordinate search - deprioritise the results, or limit the search box to specific coordinate systems.

Lodged as BUG-000148780, closed as 'As Designed'