Location Sharing - Enabling offline cabability for 'Location Sharing layer' on Field Maps.

08-22-2023 12:38 PM
Occasional Contributor III

We have been trying to take 'Location Sharing' layer offline with ArcGIS Field Maps just like we took 'Location Tracking' layer offline in ArcGIS Collector Classic. However, the last time I tried 'Location Sharing' layer in Field Maps, it is not able to go offline. Sync is not enabled. I had even opened up an enhancement case with Esri to have Location Sharing layer have the capability to go offline. I do not know the status of it now.

The point is, some of our federal projects require location tracking, especially when conducting aerial forest pest detection work. Even though ArcGIS Collector Classic is outdated and not supported, we at the Alabama Forestry Commission are still using ArcGIS Collector Classic, because it has offline capability for tracking location of the aerial flights making it possible for us to do federal reporting of location tracking layer.

What happens if ArcGIS Collector Classic becomes totally unavailable in the future and we are not able to track location by going offline. What do we do? Is Esri doing something about it?

It would be great to have Location Sharing layer have the capability to go offline. This is nothing new. Esri has made Location Tracking possible before with ArcGIS Collector Classic. Esri can again make it possible to take Location Sharing layer offline with ArcGIS Field Maps.

The enhancement/capability will be greatly appreciated. Thank you,


Offline location tracking would be key being able to identify locations where you have already been or need to go. Similar to the case above, we are 100% offline flying aerial salmon surveys in the Yukon River drainage and need to be able to identify if we have surveyed a particular stretch or bend of a river. We are currently using a Field Maps and QuickCapture but need a third app (Galileo Maps Pro) to track real-time tracks offline. Quick Capture has the ability to track offline but the map is limited with out the layer capacity of Field Maps. Since the track are stored locally, it seems like it might be possible to call them into field maps, but I am not sure. 

Status changed to: Needs Clarification

Hello @AbiDhakal 

I am interested to know more about your workflow and what you are trying to do.

Today in Field Maps, Location sharing works if you are online or offline.  You do not have to add any "location sharing layer" to your maps, this just works as part of the app if you are licensed for location sharing.  You can view your tracks offline as well, either from the location sharing map card on the browse screen or on any map, including offline, from the layers tool. Our doc has a section called View tracks in the mobile app which has more information.  

You are correct, "location sharing layers" do not support the sync, but this is not needed for location sharing to work offline.  You can collect tracks will offline and they will be uploaded to the server when you have a connection.

Is there something missing from these current capabilities preventing your workflow?


