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Implement Watermarks on Images in Field Maps

09-28-2023 09:02 AM
Status: Open
Frequent Contributor

Little Background: Currently in Survey123 when taking an image/attachment we have the ability to add a watermark to the image.  In our case we watermark Lat, Long and Timestamp.  Do to the nature of the data we collect there are times that this data is represented in a Court of Law.  Having a watermark with location and time helps provide validity to the information/data being provided in a Court of Law.

Where we are trying to go: We are trying to move our field collections from Collector and Survey123 to Field Maps.  Early in our testing it became apparent that Field Map does not offer this functionality. 

We reached out to ESRI January of 2023 and were told approximately 18 months for implementation. 

Wondering if any others out there are missing this functionality.

** I would like to see Field Maps provide the ability to create a configurable watermark (xy, feature attributes and hard coded values) on Image Attachments. This functionality already exists in Survey123 although this software is retiring....


I think this is a great idea and would help us in some of our workflows.

I wasn't aware that Survey123 was being retired though, do you have a source for that info?  In the last ESRI webinar I watched about Field Maps the ESRI staff said there were not plans to retire Survey123, and this post (admittedly from March 2022) firmly debunks the rumour: 


We NEED watermark ability in the field maps app. Having that proof of when, where and what time that the photo was taken is the continual need in our organization. We have points that we want to be the symbol year over year, and just see updated photos. The last edit just isn't enough. 

Folks in the field want CYA and the customers benefit as well. In this letigis world, and coupled with the economic challenges, landowners everywhere are looking for paydays and this helps us prove what was actually going on that day and when we were there. 

I know the other data does provides much of this, but the tangible nature of a photo feels much more real to the layperson. Point is we need the option to enable watermarks. Please hurry this along!!


I completely agree. The ability to add lat/long and date as a watermark would be of great benefit to my organization!