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Fieldmaps Linear Referencing Suggestion : Create line feature by tracing along route

08-23-2022 08:40 PM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

Basically what my company needs is a way to create line features along a route in Fieldmaps by entering a from_measure and a to_measure.


Hi @TillemaSimonTillema ,

We are actively working on more LRS capabilities for Field Maps. Can you tell us a bit more about your use case and workflow and what behaviors you would like to see in the app?

Some things that would be helpful for us to know;

- Would you be selecting the polyline layer manually that you'll be collecting against or should it happen automatically using the closest feature?

- Do you need to derive the start and end measure in the map using your location and/or dropped pins or will they be coming from a different source?

Any details you can share about how you would like to use the LRS capabilities would be very helpful.



Hi Chris,

To answer your questions :-

- Would you be selecting the polyline layer manually that you'll be collecting against or should it happen automatically using the closest feature?

Most of our apps only have a single layer containing routes and usually a single route at that, but I think a more versatile solution would be to have a mechanism whereby a list of applicable layers could be defined and the tool would then search for the nearest route in any of those layers.

- Do you need to derive the start and end measure in the map using your location and/or dropped pins or will they be coming from a different source?

Ideally having both options available would be preferable. Dropping a pin at the start and end location would probably work best when on site, but manually being able to enter the measures (if known) would also be quicker and easier when not in the field.

To give you some context. We often have field staff who want to track some sort of condition along one of our linear features. For instance at the moment I'm working on an app to track the progress of various construction stages along a pipeline route. I would imagine many companies dealing with linear assets would have a similar need, i.e. an easy method to capture changed conditions along a section of a route which may include many bends.


Simon Tillema