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Change basemap while collecting a feature

05-08-2023 10:31 AM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

Hi. It would be great if we could change the basemap while actively editing/creating a point, line, or polygon. 

This would be very helpful for geologic mapping because as I'm taking notes at a rock outcrop, I will commonly want to see what the area looks like via multiple custom basemaps (tpks of previous geologic maps, lidar data, imagery, etc.). Currently you can't change the basemap while actively editing a feature. Please change this or at least make it an option to turn on/off this functionality within the app. 

1 Comment

This is actually a pretty useful idea. Being able to double check another resource while drawing could be very handy. I was thinking about making brightness and contrast setting changes and duplicating the basemap so it would display one look at a certain zoom range and another when you get up close (jobsite level). We work in trees very often and it's frequently to dark, but if you turn it up for all zoom levels it washes out lighter areas like the urban regions.

If you have this work flow often, maybe you could do something like this, and have it change resources when you zoom down to the normal edit level. Just a possible option.

Thanks, Alex