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link to another map

04-13-2012 07:30 AM
New Contributor
Hi everybody,

I created two different maps. On one map I created an area with information. Now I wanna have a link in the information popup that guides you directly to the other map (use on an iPad).

Any idea how the url of the maps are?


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2 Replies
Occasional Contributor
From ArcGIS Explorer Online, you can get the URL to a map by clicking Share. For more information, see the helpfile topic 'Link to a map' here:
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New Contributor II
From ArcGIS Explorer Online, you can get the URL to a map by clicking Share. For more information, see the helpfile topic 'Link to a map' here:

After embedding the hyperlink as an attribute in the map and viewing the map using the iOS ArcGIS app, is there a way to open the second map within the ArcGIS app or will it have to redirect to Safari to be viewed?  This task is tedious and annoying, having to flip back and forth between Safari and the ArcGIs iOS app.

Thank you for any reply.
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