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Explorer 17.1.1 Plans

07-28-2017 02:47 PM
Esri Regular Contributor
1 1 498

Thank you for all the feedback we have received on the 17.1.0 release! We very much appreciate your comments - we are hearing you and working on updates now. We want to get fixes out quickly, so will be releasing with the first set of them very soon, and then continuing to work to address others as quickly as we can.

The first update, 17.1.1, is expected to be available next week. It will include the issues listed below. Most of these are available to test in beta now, others will be coming in a beta update on Monday:

  • BUG-000106474—Can't see sublayers in the Layers list, or toggle sublayer visibility.
  • BUG-000106478, BUG-000106507—Hyperlinks appear as text and URLs aren't clickable in the pop-up.
  • BUG-000106475—Feature search fails when searching sublayers. [17.1.1 Beta 2]
  • BUG-000106698—Map search settings aren't honored, including disabling search in the app if Find Locations is disabled in the map.
  • Improved performance when searching, identifying, and dropping pins on the map. [17.1.1 Beta 1 for dropping pins, Beta 2 for identify and search improvements]
  • Search results should list features before places.
    Improve sorting of maps in the Maps browse screen: sorting by title shouldn't be case sensitive, sorting by date shouldn't put oldest maps first.
  • IWA Portals aren't being remembered in the list of recent portals.
  • Support deep linking to Box with box:// and boxapp:// schemas.

Explorer 17.1.1 Beta - you can request access to the betas for 17.1.1 by emailing As this is a new beta program, you'll need to request access even if you participated in the beta program for 17.1.0. 

We are also working on another update, 17.1.2, to address more of your feedback. Although not final yet, here is a tentative list of what we plan to include:

  • BUG-000106480—Pop-ups for map services are not consistently displaying values when the field alias is different from the field name. 
    Note: We tried to get a fix for this into 17.1.1, but could only get a partial fix for map services hosted on ArcGIS Server 10.5 or later, and we didn't have a fix for earlier versions of ArcGIS Server. We have decided to wait and make sure we fix this properly, which unfortunately will take a bit longer. In the meantime, you can try one of the following workarounds:
  • BUG-000106721—Maps with uploaded shapefiles that contain a z-value don't load
  • Correctly format dates and coded value domains in pop-ups when the field name and alias don't match.
  • Certain layers not displaying and instead showing an exclamation mark beside the layer in the Layers list.
  • Support attachments on map services.
    Current Workaround: Add the feature service to the map instead of the map service.
  • Improve the speed maps open
  • Preserve the last open map when working without signing in
  • Support using multiple fields in custom attribute displays
  • Honor scale visibility when identifying
  • Identify on tile layers
  • Support for CSV layers through a URL

The following are also being discussed and evaluated right now, although no time frame has been determined:

  • BUG-000106841—Add groups to the browsing experience
  • Bring back the magnifier
  • BUG-000106539—Support for sharing a map with others in your organization

Thank you for your feedback and our deepest apologies for any problems the 17.1.0 release has caused you. 

Explorer team

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Just downloaded and tested version 17.1.1 build 1776.  Thank you for providing updates, our top priority is still BUG-000106480.  Any update on BUG-000106967 being addressed?

  • BUG-000106698
    • Trying to use a custom search such as a Manhole ID or Valve ID still immediately zooms to the first address it finds.  
    • Searching for Manhole/Valve ID 16724 immediately zooms to Crosby Pennsylvania

    • If you hit the x to close that search then you can see the features (2 results) with the 2 features selectable and can zoom to them along with Places (1 Result) 16724 Crosby, Pennsylvania

    • Attributes in pop-up work correctly in searched feature but not for any others

    • Cancelling search when done and doing another search then produces the correct result of showing the Features and then Places.  Appears to work correctly from then on.

    • Closing app and reopening produces the same results of immediately zooming to an arbitrary location.  18163 goes to Stockholm.

  • BUG-000106474

    • Can the sub layers be minimized by default.  We have utilities on a cached service with a lot of sub layers that can’t be toggled on or off and it makes it very confusing for people to find the groups to turn on and off when they are shown and toggles are there but not able or should be able to use.

About the Author
I am the Group Product Engineering Lead for our Field Apps team at Esri. I work with an amazing team building out our field solutions. Please feel free to ask me anything about ArcGIS Field Maps, Workforce, and Navigator.