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02-12-2020 08:11 AM
Emerging Contributor


Would it be possible to share the roadmap of Experience builder so that we can have an overview of what's coming on and when?

Thank you in advance for your answer.



16 Replies
Emerging Contributor

Jianxia Song‌,

Thanks a lot for your answer and taking these request into consideration. Here are some precision/use case regarding these request. The general idea is that we do built webapp for our business team and would them to be able to work and do (almost) every thing without moving from the webapp like a GIS Professionnal would do with ArcGIS Pro. For example if the user of the webapp want to modify the way a layer is displayed in the webapp (symbology, label, field in the pop-up etc...) and save this configuration in a webmap, he is currently obliged to switch to the mapviewer, do this modification and come back to the webapp and use the "load/change" which is clearly not an ergonomic experience. The idea is to give user the ability to do everything from the webapp (or tomorrow within ExB app).

  • Agree with you. It is more a function of the map widget rather than a "stand alone widget"
  • As explained above, if a user can save a webmap inside ExB but is not able to reload it later, "Save webmap function risk to be "useless". Of course I agree with you concerning the widget dependency. We should be able to configure widget without being linked to a specific webmap or content
  • As explained above, the idea is to do everything without moving from the webapp. Adding layers, changing symbology and labels of these layers and save the work as a webmap is an example of workflow we would like to be able to do without needing the portal map viewer
  • Same as previous point. If someone want to configure the pop window of any layer, he is obliged to do it through mapviewer and can't do it directly from the webapp
  • Again the idea is to be able to create content (such as hosted feature layer) without having to it through the portal. For example, drawing something and save the draw as an hosted feature layer or select feature from an existing layer and export that as an hosted feature layer or shapefile or simply create an empty feature layer and add it to the current map

Hope my explanations/descriptions of our use cases are clear. Feel free to let me know if you have other question. We could also organize a call if needed.



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Esri Regular Contributor


Thanks for the clarification. It seems that you would expect ExB to be self-contained other than relying on Map Viewer to authorize the map. Although we currently have no plan to do so, I will share your requests with the team. 

As far as saving the map and export graphics to hosted layers, I think these functions will be supported. Enhancements have been logged per your request.

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

I'd love to see the ability to use custom fonts in the ArcGIS online-version of ExB. Ideally it would be great to have full control over all theme variables including fonts in the builder, like in the developer edition.

This would allow us to build apps that integrate better with existing websites, and to build stand-alone apps using customer-specific themes and branding. 



Esri Regular Contributor


We do plan to support more variables in Theme including the font size and custom font. Thanks for your suggestions.

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Emerging Contributor

Dear Jianxia Song,

Thank you for your answer. Here are some of the main new feature or conversion of widget existing in WAB that would drastically improve our usage of ExB. Most of the new features below have been requested for a long time by WAB users and I guess WAB Widget I have listed below are probably the one which are the most used.

New Features:

  • Give end user the ability to change symbology and Labels of any Layers loaded in a webmap (like in the portal map viewer)
  • Give end user the ability to load or remove a layer from any webmap loaded in the map viewer of a ExB app (improvement of "add data" widget of WAB)
  • Give end user the ability to group layer in the layer list (like in the scene viewer of Portal)
  • Give end user the ability to load or save a webmap directly from a webapp
  • Give end user the ability to choose the scale of the webmap by entering the number (eg: 1:50000) without loosing the basemap (needs a "On the Fly" reprojection as in ArcGIS Pro I guess)

Translation/rewriting of WAB Widget

  • Select widget with ability to save the selection as an hosted feature layer (and not a feature collection or Geojson that is not common for users) and export it as a shapefile or KML 
  • Editor and Smart Editor Widget (a merge a both widget functionnalities in a single widget would be great)
  • GeoProcessing Widget (to be able to use any geoprocessing tool in a widget)
  • Drawing widget (with the ability for user to save any drawing as an hosted feature layer)
  • Analysis widget (the same as in WAB)
  • Attribute table widget

Thanks a lot in advanced for your feedback and @ your disposal for any questions and/or precisions.



Esri Regular Contributor


Thanks for the clarification and thoughtful proposals. Regarding new features, #1 is not under the consideration as it is recommended to do so in Map Viewer. You may create a custom widget.  #2 you may add or remove a layer on the fly like what the Add Data widget does in WAB, then save the added layers with the web map out as a new web map. It is unlikely to allow you to remove the layers from the existing map. #3 is on the road map once JSAPI 4 and new Map Viewer start to support it. #4 Saving map is doable but loading a new map will break the widgets dependent on map layers as stated in one of the comments above. #5 need to have further evaluation.

Regarding migration of WAB OOTB widgets to ExB, #1 is a common workflow which should be doable. #2 is under our consideration of consolidating functions in one widget. #3 Could you help articulate it with a user case? #4 is similar to #1. #5- Analysis widget is not part of JSAPI 4 yet, once available, we plan to wrap it in ExB. #6 JSAPI 4 may have the feature table ready around UC. We will wrap it in ExB once available.

Hope this helps,


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Esri Regular Contributor

Jerome and Annina,

Thank you so much for your feedback. One big item in the near road map is to integrate Experience Builder (ExB) in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1 planned to be available in July. In addition, to build a robust foundation for the future, we put efforts on the product improvement for the upcoming July release, including ability to copy, paste, and rotate the widget, performance optimization, UI and UX improvement,  support for more data type, support for attachments and feature layer symbol in the Image widget, display Arcade and related table in the Feature Info widget, as well as new Bookmark widget, etc. Please noted that the plan is subject to change.

Your suggestions and feedback are valuable. I will reply to your comments separately.



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