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Working with Joined Feature Views in Experience Builder - Can they trigger another editable layer with identical GUIDs?

12-16-2024 01:24 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

Hey Folks,

I have a Hosted Feature Layer produced by Survey123 Connect for maintenance requests - It contains the Survey Layer (Survey), a Parent Layer (Windows), and a Child Layer (Child). I am using Experience Builder to help the Field Workers visualize and edit data. 

Windows contains maintenance windows for each survey submitted, I used the GUID to ParentGUID to create a joined feature layer view (WindowSurveyJoin) to populate tables in Experience Builder, since, in order to properly ID a maintenance window, info from both the Survey and Windows layers is needed.

I am aware that Joined Feature Layer views cannot be edited, so I wanted to know if there was a way to trigger the edit widget to populate the original Windows layer, when selecting records in the table that are based off WindowSurveyJoin. 

Right now, I currently have a trigger added to the Map widget that Select Data Records with Action Settings as follows:

Trigger Data: WindowSurveyJoin

Action Data: Windows 





This trigger doesn't seem to change anything in the app when testing it in live view. Any suggestions would be appreciated, and I can provide screen shots and additional clarifications if necessary. 

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1 Reply
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor

Hi @KevinBrock_FBL,

How do you create a joined feature layer view? 




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