The recent AGOL update seems to have broken something in the ExB Views Navigation widget. Every existing ExB app I have that incorporates this widget, and a brand new test app created today, all display the text:
Cannot read properties of null (reading 'appBuilderSync')
instead of the Nav widget, but only in the published small-screen version when viewed on phone screen. The widescreen versions still work ok, and the edit version in small-screen mode preview looks ok - it's just the published app that shows the error.
I'm reasonably sure that it's not an issue at my end, so hoping for a quick fix for this as it's broken a lot of my live apps (at least for mobile screen users). My organisation has raised a support ticket but I thought it useful to post here as well to see if others are experiencing the same issue (just in case it is our problem and not ESRI).
Thanks for letting us know, @NeilWebber . We are looking it and will address it asap.
@NeilWebber, this issue is now addressed. Could you please help confirm it?
Hi, yes this is fixed now as far as I can tell. Thanks for the rapid response.