In Experience Builder 1.13 the following lines have been removed from the client package.json:
"postinstall": "npm run lerna-bootstrap",
"lerna-bootstrap": "lerna bootstrap"
This breaks our CI/CD and automated install as we now can't just run npm ci / npm install and have all widget dependencies in your-extensions installed. This doesn't appear to be documented in breaking changes.
Is this change intentional with an alternative?
Hi @JoshGore This is an intentional change as the lerna introduces some vulnerabilities, you can go to the widget folder to run the "npm ci".
We have around 25 custom widgets in our solution with further being developed, many of which have dependencies. Our pipelines relied on being able to run npm ci or install in the client folder and have these dependencies installed, without needing to traverse into each widget folder. It could be useful to have npm workspaces or similar support to help with this.
Note the lerna.json file hasn't been removed so currently it's also possible to run lerna with npx.
The documentation here needs updating to reflect this change too.
Thanks! We'll consider how to add this feature back in future releases.