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Survey123 Feature Layer CSV Export from Widget(s) Broken

02-15-2024 04:38 PM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor



I have run into an odd bug (I believe) with ArcGIS Experience Builder using Enterprise Portal.

Whenever I export feature layer data to a csv from a Widget in my Experience (same results for List, Feature Info and Table widgets) the output csv is unusable, and it does not match the csv output from going to the Feature Service's page in Portal and using the 'Export Data' option.

I noticed that my Experience Builder csv export was using field aliases for the column headers, while the Feature Layer page in Portal uses names. However, I still don't think that fully explains the issue. Not only are the field headings different, but my Experience Builder export also has an additional column.

Please see my attached pictures for the visual of the difference in csv export outputs. The one that looks correct is from the Feature Layer page in Portal. While the one which is obviously wrong (text in the ObjectID field and a Title field) is coming from the Experience Builder. I do not understand what is causing my data to shift around when exported from ExpBldr.

I've confirmed that the Experience Builder export is certainly coming from the same feature layer which I can perform a successful csv export from its Portal page. I am exporting from a Data View of the Feature Layer;  however, this issue still exists when I export from a Default data view of the Feature Layer on a different page within the same Experience Builder.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this a true bug? My Experience Builders are meant to act as a one-stop shop for the data which it uses. If users have to hunt down the data source to do a clean extraction, it takes away from the utility of the Experience itself. Thank you.


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3 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @ParkerJohnsonGas ,

Using field aliases for the column headers is the designed behavior.

Regarding the issue with the additional column, can you share your data with me? I guess the problem is caused by a separator in the other column.




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Emerging Contributor

Would you like to see the XLSForm that the survey is created from, or one of the CSV Exports? 

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Emerging Contributor

It would be nice to have the option to export with field names, not aliases.

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