Show and hide labels during specific years on timeline

05-28-2024 10:35 AM
Occasional Contributor


I am making a map showing the spread of an invasive plant over time. I have the timeline widget set up in Experience Builder. I have labeled a few significant records (first appearance in a state, etc.). These labels appear when the timeline gets to the date of the specific labeled record. But these labels then cover up symbols that appear later in the timeline.

I want to show the labels only for a few years, then hide them as the timeline proceeds. Is there a way to do this either in Map Viewer itself or Experience Builder?

You can see how the labels cover up the symbols over time in the images.

Also, if you have suggestions for how to improve labeling or symbology, I'm all ears! This is my first time creating a map like this.

Screenshot 2024-05-28 103212.pngScreenshot 2024-05-28 102654.png



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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor

For your timeline.  It depends on your data design.  To make the labels disapear you need to change the Time display setting to "Show current window" (see the screen shot below to see where these settings are).  However, if you use "Show current window" then your symbols will stop accumulating.  If you currently need the symbols to accumulate via the timeline then you need to process your dataset so that accumulation is saved for each time period.

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Occasional Contributor

I do want to see the cumulative data, so the "current window" method won't work.

Are you saying there's a way to set up my data so that I can still use the cumulative data method but have the labels hidden for certain years? Or is that not possible at all?

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