I have a list widget that I want to zoom trigger a map zoom when I click on a list item, but I'm having a few issues.
AGOL / Dev Edition 1.15
So my setup is that I have three layers, one of each geometry type that otherwise all have the same schemas. I created a SQL view table to union all of those layers into one table so that the list widget would be able to display all of the features from the three layers. I can do a record selection just fine (click on the list, framework, select records based on GlobalID). However, I'm unable to use a Zoom To action in the list when it's being populated with the table.
I attempted a workaround whereby I have a hidden page with a table in it. What I tried to do is use the select data records from this list to select the corresponding feature in the table, then have the table trigger the map zoom without the user ever seeing the table, but that doesn't work either.
Thoughts or workarounds on how to solve this issue?
Hi @ZachBodenner,
Currently, we do not support triggering features using tables without geometry. We are considering this requirement.