Hello All,
I'm trying to get routing working using the JS REST API. It will be used in a custom widget in experience builder. I got point barriers working with PointBarrier, but I need it to be added cost and it ignores everything I try. The ultimate goal is actually to use polyline barriers with scaled cost, but point barriers are simpler and neither worked.
Here is the code I have:
// variables from elsewhere
const vars = {
// start and end point
start, end,
// JimuMapView
const url = 'https://my-portal.com/server/rest/services/NetworkAnalysis/NAServer/Route'
const stops = new Collection([
new Stop({
geometry: vars.start
new Stop({
geometry: vars.end
const point = new Point({
x: 114.168562,
y: 22.322603
const start = [
114.16853662192821, 22.323295447135724
const end = [
114.16890644904946, 22.32143923097987
const path = [start, end]
const polyline = new Polyline({
paths: [path]
const params1 = new RouteParameters({
pointBarriers: new Collection([
new PointBarrier({
geometry: point
// pointBarriers: new Collection([
// new NetworkFeatureSet({
// features: [
// new Graphic({
// geometry: point,
// })
// ]
// })
// ]),
// polylineBarriers: new Collection([
// new NetworkFeatureSet({
// features: [
// new Graphic({
// geometry: polyline,
// })
// ],
// })
// ])
route.solve(url, params1).then(r => {
const res = r.routeResults[0].route
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
title: 'Route',
source: [res],
objectIdField: 'ObjectID',
fields: [
name: 'ObjectID',
type: 'oid'
renderer: {
// @ts-ignore
type: 'simple',
symbol: {
type: 'simple-line',
color: 'green',
width: '2px'
That code has a working point barrier, but if the commented-out point barrier is used instead, it ignores the point barrier.
I use NetworkFeatureSet instead of PointBarrier as the former can carry attribute data, which should allow me to add cost to the barriers. (Or is there an alternative way to specify the cost for barrier?). I didn't specify attributes yet for the above code, because the simpler case of a completely restricted barrier isn't even working.
The second commented out code is the polyline barrier attempt using NetworkFeatureSet, which doesn't work at all. The RouteSolveResult has null for the polylineBarrier and pointBarrier when using NetworkFeatureSet, so it outright ignores it.
I don't need to use NetworkFeatureSet, I'll accept anything that can make routing work with added/scaled costs barriers. Thank you very much. Please let me know if I can provide additional context
I have not used this part of the Javascript API. You may want to re-post your question over on the API question boards. You will likely find some more experienced developers over there.
Thanks, I'll do that. Do you know if this is more appropriate for the JavaScript Maps SDK or the ArcGIS REST JS community? On one hand I'm using the rest APIs (like 'esri/rest/support/RouteParameters') On the other hand I'm not using a direct request to a url, but a JS function. Thanks again
I would go to the JavaScript Maps SDK.