Related table in Experience Builder not preserving 1-Many relationship?

09-22-2023 07:21 AM
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New Contributor

Using Experience Builder I have created an experience that has both a map and table widgets. The relationship between the map features and table records is 1 (feature) to Many (records).

I have set up actions so that when you select a feature on the table, the related record selects in the table widget and vis versa - when you select a record in the table they related feature is selected on the map.

Unfortunately, when a feature is selected on the map, only the 1st related record selects in the table - not all related records. What can be done to preserve the 1:many relationship so that when a feature is selected on the map ALL related records select in the table? 

Notes: I've already ensured that the select mode of the table is set to 'multiple'. I've also gone into the data settings of each of these layers (i.e. the features and related table) to ensure that the page size exceeds the total number of records.

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