Hi there,
We have a series of bar charts in our public ExB pages (https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/401287f49bd84aeb97c438095fe299d0/page/Population-Size/) which were configured and made public a few months ago.
The charts are supposed to show all values unless a selection is made in the web map, then it will filter out the selected records.
We've been notified that the bar charts now say "No data found" unless a selection is made in the map. We have not touched this Experience or the data sources since publishing so confused what has happened here.
Now, when I try reconfigure the chart, even with a new copy of the map and chart widget, it does not show the view for empty selection.
Anyone run into similar issues?
FYI these are the settings on the chart:
And on the map:
Hi @Hayley
Thanks for your feedback. From my understanding, this previously work fine but a few months ago it shows "No data found", right? And from the screenshot, you do have the "View for empty selection" option checked on, which is correct. Unfortunately, I cannot repro on my side. And the app you attached (https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/401287f49bd84aeb97c438095fe299d0/page/Population-Size/) is not accessible. Would you be able to share this app to me so I can have a further look?