Hi guys. I am having a problem within ArcGIS Experience Builder. Actually I have classified tiff images from three different years. However, the metadata of those images does not contain the date or time information. I tried putting the date information in all those layers creating a field with a date information and I am able to see the changes using time sliders in ArcGIS Pro 3.3.0. You can see it in the snapshot below.
However, the main task I have to do is add these layers in map widget, chart widget and also timeline widget and link the timeline widget with the map widget and chart widget to show the changes in the classification maps as the time changes and also changes in the chart (for example: area of the classes in different years) simultaneously. I have been having this problem since weeks and tried different ways but did not work. Can anyone help me with this??
I have shared these datasets in the arcgis online afterward and the link to it is here: https://tiles.arcgis.com/tiles/njxlOVQKvDzk10uN/arcgis/rest/services/timeline_WTL1/MapServer
In your shared service, I did not see the Time Info with any valid time extent, at the map-service level; while in the tiff layers, the extent is NULL:
Also, in the AGOL environment, we only support feature layers, map service layers, and web maps. The sub-layers of tiff seem out of these supported types. The support for imagery layers and tiled imagery layers are to be added in the upcoming releases: