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Pass address details from results of Near me

02-01-2024 07:51 AM
Frequent Contributor

I was looking for to pass the results of Near me widget to the directions widget source or destination fields and should calculate the route in directions widget . I don not want to use data actions that have already provided in built and can we do customization to the near me or directions widget ?

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4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @vijaybadugu 

Right now you can't use data actions (Direction from, Direction To) to Direction widget to calculate route, however we are working on a single data action for this, so from Near Me results you can use just one data action that will take both From and To address and calculate route. 

Is there any reason you don't want to use data action?

You can definitely customize Near Me widget using Experience Builder developer edition to accomplish this.

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Frequent Contributor

It should be like straight click to get directions from near me or search widget or any other widget. users don't like to click on pop up to get the directions and it looks some what round trip instead of straight .

Currently i downloaded the zip from developer edition and try to customize accordingly and but it is not easy to modify the code and  any suggestions on it  will be appreciated?   I  was planning to add a button to the right side of near me results and on click, it should automatically populated directions-to field  and generate a route 

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Frequent Contributor

I am trying to pass the address to the directionsToPoint from nearme widget . after that, i need to reload the widget. Could you please suggest something on this . I stuck 

this.props.dispatch(appActions.widgetStatePropChange('widget_39', 'directionsToPoint', e))

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Esri Contributor

@vijaybadugu I am sorry I am not a developer but here is our doc, and hope other developers will be able to help you with this.

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