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Move and edit points within Experience Map Directly, possible?

01-04-2024 04:12 PM
Frequent Contributor

Hello all,

I know within an Arcgis Online maps I can move and edit points, but is it possible to do this within an Arcgis Experience Builder Map directly?  If possible this would be so crazy helpful to me. 

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5 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @JonJones1 , you can edit points in Experience Builder using the Map widget and the Edit widget together.

Frequent Contributor

This is wonderful!  

I have a quick follow-up question: Is there any method or widget within the ArcGIS Experience Builder that allows for batch/bulk editing of points? In my Experience Builder, I’m displaying a map with thousands of points and I want to select multiple points simultaneously to modify their attributes in bulk. I know the ArcGIS Web App Builder has a bulk editing widget, but I’m specifically looking to perform these bulk edits within the Experience Builder. Is this possible via any method within experience builder, any method at all? Being able to bulk edit within Experience builder would be a life saver for me. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

Is there any method or widget within the ArcGIS Experience Builder that allows for batch/bulk editing of points?

Not yet, but this is on the roadmap.

Other similar requests:

Frequent Contributor

Thank you Alix that is great to hear. Will there be ability to batch edit related records?  That would also be great.  And ability to have smart editing like Smart Forms in Field Maps Designer to calculate expressions with Arcade as well would be great. Like Now() for DateInspected if a user bulk edits a lot of related records at once.

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Esri Regular Contributor

This is under consideration. I'll make sure your request is also communicated to the team. Thank you!

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