We are building an Experience which include a web map with many layers. We would like to have several Map Layers widgets each only showing a part of those layers (sort of themed Map Layers). In WAB you could select which layers are visible and which are not. Is possible to cerate such a widget in EB Arcgis Online?
@BerendBoersma Currently there is no easy way to configure the Map Layers widget, but we have a few similar requests. As of now, the solution would be to add the same web map multiple times so they are treated as individual ones (see the Tip inside Map widget > Usage Note).
It is a workaround that I can not use. The goal of filtering the layers in the Map layers widget is to simplify it for the users. We have 1 webmap with a lot of information on different topics. We would like to show the layers per topic in a Map Layer widget. But at the same time we need to be able to show the different layers and topics in 1 web map to view possible clashes and interference.
Sorry to hear that it is not something you can use.
You could follow the support issue to track this enhancement request - ENH-000137540, or watch & comment on the similar Idea post -
We will continue to evaluate and see if that's something we can enhance in the future.
@BerendBoersma With the latest AGOL February release, the Map Layers widget has supported a new feature - "Customize layers":
This will help with your case.