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List of Pages for Index?

03-06-2024 07:14 PM
New Contributor

I am working on an Atlas through Experience Builder with multiple data-sets and am trying to design a main page with a dynamically populated list the user can scroll through of all the pages in a card like format (thumbnail, title, brief description, last updated). Once the user finds what they want they should be able to click it to navigate the page. 

The List widget functions how I want, but links to only one data set and I want it to compile all of them. I figured a simple table I can manually add the fields above should be enough, but the widget wants to connect to a full map. 

I also read about Views vs Pages (I have five categories that will lead to four similar index pages), but am super green so I don't know if I am looking at the right widgets for the features I want. I am hoping to make this work to limit everything the user needs down to no more than three clicks of navigation to get the page they need. 

Does anybody have any insight on how I can create a dynamic index of multiple pages/maps I plan on displayed on the front page? 

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MVP Regular Contributor

In your Online/Enterprise environment, build a hosted feature table that contains all the data needed to generate one of your index cards, including a field that will be used to name the pages. Use this table to connect to a List Widget. Set a link in your List Widget using the expression option. It will look something like,{nameField}.


Any data changes in the table should be reflected in your website. Adding a new entry to your table should automatically generate a new card and link, but you will still need to build the actual page contents.

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
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