Hi all,
Since the AGO Feb update i'm having issues with my editing capabilities. I have a EB app which we use to edit daily and today it has been very tempermental and won't allow me to unselect a feature once edited. Also if I search using the configured search bar and it then selects a polygon, it keeps flagging up editing error/confirmation boxes when i'm not even in edit mode.
Is anyone ese experiencing similar? I've checked all our config and all seems fine, nothing has changed from yesterday when it worked perfectly.
This is an exampe of what I can't unselect - it won't let me edit anything else or get pop-up info on any other layer.
@James_Shreeve Please are you able to share a recording of the behavior with your workflow steps? If you have an app example you can share are well that would be most helpful, thank you!
Hi Alix, thanks for your reply. I can't really share the workflow, as the data (other than the polygon shape) is sensitive so wouldn't feel comfortbale putting it on here. I'm currently in discussion with ESRI support also who have taken a screen recording of the workflow and took further details in the hope of finding out the issue. There have been changes to the Edit EB widget overnight, which i'm assuming is linked.
I'm having issues with my ExB Edit widgets post-update as well. Not quite the same as @James_Shreeve
After selecting a feature, I can make edits to attributes and/or geometry and they will be saved when I click Update. But the widget doesn't offer any confirmation of this save, and remains in the attribute edit form. To edit the next feature I must back out of the edit attribute form, and then confirm that I would like to discard all edits. In summary - I can save my edits, but the edit widget stays trying to edit the same feature after this.
Unlike James I can select the next feature no problem once I've backed out of the edit attribute form.
The behaviour of not being able to select the next feature seems to have gone away for me since I initially wrote this post.
Your explanation of what behaviour you're seeing on the ExB Edit widget, is exactly what i'm having now. I'm discussing this ESRI support currently...might be worth logging a support call with them too @BlakeMorrison if you haven't already?
I don't contact esri tech support anymore - it's a waste of time. They're somehow even less useful than the esri staff on the forums here.
I'm having similar issues in my ExB apps. Every time I select a new feature I get the "Discard the Edits?" pop up. I get the "Discard the Edits?" pop up even after I make updates and select the update button to save my edits. If I choose Discard Edits, my edits still seem to save, though it seems to freeze up for a minute and won't let me select any other features.