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Is there an easy way to copy and past widgets from one ExB to another?

01-19-2022 12:37 PM
Frequent Contributor

I have some chart widgets in one ExB which I would like to paste into another ExB. I am aware you can ctrl c and ctrl v within the same ExB, but is there a way to do this accross ExB's so I don't have to reconfigure all my widgets?


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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor

It is a bit confusing, but I just copied a Feature Info Widget from one experience to the other using the json editor in ArcGIS Online Assistant.

works fine in the viewer, HOWEVER, it does not appear to update the Builder itself, so no way to modify/configure once there (other than the json).



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Frequent Contributor

Interesting, I'll give it a go. Thanks!

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Frequent Contributor

I actually used Save As from my experience to save as a new experience.  I then added the widget to the copied experience, saved and published.

Then, I copied the JSON from each of them into their own tab in Notepad ++ and used Compare Files to easily find the TWO locations in the JSON that I had to modify.

Interesting that it doesn't show in the builder itself.  That info must be saved elsewhere.

Also, since it doesn't show in the builder, if you save/re-publish the experience, it is gone.  would have to re-add with the JSON.

Good luck,


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New Contributor

Have you any idea where we could access the JSON that the builder is accessing?

Looking for a way to surgically edit the JSON and continue editing in the builder without wiping away the work done in the JSON.

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