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Is there a summarize widget equivalent in experience builder like there is in web app builder

02-25-2020 07:15 PM
New Contributor

I am building a web app on experience builder for mapping live wild fire statues. I want to have a box in the corner that displays a numerical value of active and contained fires. I can not figure out how to select from my points active fires and then add them and then display that number in a box. I was able to do this in web app builder but after hours of trying can not do this in experience builder. I have attached a screen shot of what I want in experience builder from my current web app in web app builder 

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Dominick, you could create a text widget for both fields and do a calculation on each field. For example, SUM({Active}) +  SUM({Contained}). Then you could style the text box to have the type of font and effect you would like.