I've made several changes to a multi-page experience. I can save and preview but the red unpublished changes tab remains and nothing happens when I click the publish button. I've tried removing and adding 2D and 3D maps and even creating a new experience with no success.
Hi Dave,
Can you open the developer tools for your browser and see if there are any errors in the console?
Hello David, I'm getting errors that some items do not exist or are inaccessible. These are all shared with everyone although I have edited or updated said items. Not sure how to view item numbers in AGOL.
Are the services that are failing coming from portal? Can you share the experience with me? My username is dmart. I would like to look at what is happening and see what is failing on the network tab.
I was able to work through the items that failed to load. I changed layers in my maps and scenes where the item number had changed after the had been updated or replaced.
Thanks for your suggestion about the developers console. That was what I needed!