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Filter point layer based on filtered polygon layer

9 hours ago
Occasional Contributor

I have a polygon layer (electoral areas) and a point layer (sports clubs) in an Experience. I want to filter the electoral areas by, say, all that have more than 100 people over 55 years old (can even be pre-filtered). Then I want to output a list of all sports clubs in those electoral areas, or ideally choose the type of club, e.g. all basketball clubs. What is the best way to do this in ExB? I've been trying with the Query widget but not getting anywhere... 

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi @DarraghOSullivan 

I've taken a look into this and a workflow that may work for you is using the "Select" widget to do an attribute selection with your polygon layer. This will select the polygons that match up with the filter you set. You can also add an action to the Select widget so that the data filters down when it is selected.

Once you have selected your data, you can use the "Query" widget and add both an attribute and spatial filter for your sports clubs layer - this way your users can choose the type of club and see which clubs are contained within the selected polygons.

I'm happy to provide some more details about this workflow if needed! I will keep looking to see whether there is a shorter way to achieve this - also happy for anyone else to jump in if they have one!



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