I'm wondering if anyone can inspect or see code-wise what aspect of this page on my Experience app is prompting the ArcGIS login - it only happens on this page (and the versions I duplicated from this page).
The same information source is being used throughout the app, and also form what I can tell on my Content page, all the assets are set to 'Public'.
Thank you!
I'm not being prompted to login, but I am getting an error indicating that the webmap failed to load. Is the webmap also set to Public?
Hi Jeffrey:
Thank you for taking a shot at this..
It prompts me to login when I try that link from an 'incognito' browser, which I do to test how a generic user might experience it. Maybe you're logged in on your browser?
There isn't a web map on that page - but there is one within the app itself on other pages - still, yes, I have it set to public as far as I can tell on its share settings.
It's not asking me to login in Incognito either. Is this the way the page is supposed to look? It looks like there could be some data linked text missing.
The errors I'm getting in my logged in browser suggest I do not have the correct privileges to view the data.
I'm also getting an Invalid URL trying to access your REST endpoint.
Yes, that is basically the way it's supposed to look - I have it at 1024 x 728 in the app builder so it stretches out badly on normal pages (is there a way to force it to show at the intended dimensions? I was going to iframe it to those).
And yes, some projects have missing text, so I think that isn't an error here.
Now it is strange the errors you are seeing mention failing to load and to access the "IE ALL PORTOFLIOS - SSOT" item, because that's where all the text is coming from so you clearly can access/load it.
I'm not familiar with REST endpoints - I have simply uploaded all tabular data directly to My Content, and all layers from Arc Pro.
In the Styles Tab, you can base the width, height and positioning based on px or %. Use px for stuff you want to always be the same size and % for stuff that should scale with screen size.
There are also the Auto, Custom and Stretch options. Custom allows access to the options above. Auto is the smallest size to fit the contents and Stretch fills the space of the containing widget.