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Experience Builder - Preload other pages

10-06-2021 06:20 AM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

Hi there,

I created an experience builder with different pages representing different maps.  Is there a way to preload the the maps and pages in experience builder so that when a user opens a new page to a different map, that map is loaded and ready to use?

Currently, swapping between pages causes the maps to load from scratch. I had some zoom triggers that get reset when the map loads from scratch. If I go through and open all my maps one by one to preload them, the triggers will work.


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Frequent Contributor

You could try writing a custom widget that specifically loads in the webmaps for each page on start up. You'd need to use the widget communicator to interact with it.

A note of caution though, if any of the widgets you're working with are pointed at different maps and have methods that do things when the active view changes, you'll need to make sure the proper view is the active one after everything loads.

Courtney Menikheim | Application Developer | @thecmenikheim
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