Experience Builder not keeping layers in my maps

06-30-2021 09:59 AM
Occasional Contributor


I am new to experience builder. I have created one with 4 pages. 

1st page, users of a service. 2nd page, acts of service. 3rd, population data and 4th is an embedded dashboard. 

Now, I created the 1st page and then duplicated the other 2. They have 2 tables, a map with a legend and bookmarks. Below, there is a table and source notes.  

when I click the preview button, the map on all 3 pages is the map from page one. So I edit, save and publish. Go back to preview and it doesn't change! 

I am using different layers on the same map. I do not understand what is happening. 

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5 Replies
Occasional Contributor

I forgot to add, when I do Live view, the pages are fine. 

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Frequent Contributor


Hi, a screenshot of each of your maps settings within each page would be helpful. You may have just missed a selection.

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Occasional Contributor

The web map that was saved was the layer on the first page. On the 2nd page, I add the map and go in layers, and change for the one that I want! Is that ok? or should I just make new maps with the layers I need? 

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Jonathan,

I do not see the settings besides the basic chose your map.

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Occasional Contributor


I ended up saving the map 3 times and put the right layer visible.

It works that way. But I am not sure if it is the best way

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