I have a web map with 13 layers. I'd like my experience builder app to have a side bar with a Feature Info widget that changes to show the details of the selected feature no matter which feature is selected. Is there a way to do this?
Right now I can only see how to associate a Feature Info widget with a single layer. I don't see a way to show or hide widgets based on selections so I can't create a Feature Widget for each layer and show them when their respective layer is selected.
Do you have any idea when this update will be in the release? @Wei_Ying
@wliu which feature do you mean?
One option might be to code a custom widget. It can then query all the different features (even if they are in separate layers) and then based upon that give you a pageable list of the features to view could be displayed in it. The original post suggested 13 layers, so you could use a geometry query to get either a centroid, or a map click to query beneath, and whatever intersects could then be returned as possible data to view that way.