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Experience Builder Edit Widget Not Updating

09-29-2021 03:57 PM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

First off - love Experience Builder. Second, I have a question on the edit widget that was recently added to Experience Builder Online regarding the update process. I have an ExB page, that has a map, edit widget, and an embedded dashboard. When the edit widget is used and "Update" is clicked, I would like for the map and the embedded dashboard to be instantly refreshed and updated. Currently I have changed the refresh interval for both the map and the embedded dashboard, but I am looking for something a bit more streamlined (plus, seeing the screen refresh every 12 seconds is annoying). I have attached a picture of my ExB page for reference. 

I have tried using WAB, and then adding in info. graphics and using a dashboard and embedding the map viewer (classic). I think my best bet however is to use Experience Builder Online. I don't currently have the resources to do something custom. 

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2 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Did you find a fix for this by chance, I am having the same issue.  Once I click update it does not update on the application.

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Emerging Contributor
I wish I had found a solution, but I did things differently. I was able to increase the refresh rate of the feature layer to 0.1 min. (the lowest refresh time ~ 6 seconds) which seem to then kick off the update. Now the problem is that everything "flashes" when the refresh rate hits, but at least it completes the update cycle.
Good luck!

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