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Experience Builder Does Not Respond to Updated Hosted Layer

12-10-2024 01:21 PM
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MVP Regular Contributor

Developer Edition 1.16

Some strange behavior in Experience Builder I noticed today. I began by publishing a hosted feature service directly from Pro (share-> Web Layer->Copy all data (Feature)). The service has has about 15 layers, one of which represents points of real estate sale. To generate that feature class, I have a SQL view that I copy into the ESRI geodatabase feature class. Next, I'll overwrite the hosted layer to bring the updated sale list into Enterprise, which is then used in an Experience Builder app. 

Okay so now the weird part: I've added the layers from the hosted service to my web map and I can see that the number of sales is equal to the number that are in the SQL view.



I can also see that correct number querying the REST endpoint:


However, my Experience Builder widgets seem not to respond to this update and show the previous number of sales from the initial layer creation:




To test this out, I added the data directly from the URL:


When I use this layer in the widget, it shows the correct number as shown in the web map table/SQL Query/REST Query. 

Is there any reason why Experience Builder would not respond to updated Hosted layers?


Happy mapping,
- Zach
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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi @ZachBodenner , I cannot reproduce with the hosted layer view. This could be data specific. Could you please share with us a reproducible sample so we can figure out what we've missed?



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