Was anything resolved on this. I am also having this issue. I have bookmarks set up and in addition to layers disappearing (without turning them off) the legend items will also disappear within the same map moving to a different bookmark. What's even more confusing is when I go back to the first bookmark that worked, zoomed to extend, map layers showed, legend items showed....after going to another bookmark where maybe there are aren't layers in that extent (I'm showing survey data) the legend items disappear. Anyway then going back to the first bookmark my legend is blank and so are the map layers that had originally appeared. I thoroughly confused on why this is happening.
I also have noticed that if I go into the layers widget layers are turned off that had just been on in a previous bookmark extent, yet I didn't turn them off. This has to be a bug. I really liked the bookmarks, but may have to remove if it is just causing confusion to the viewers well and myself!
This is the EB with bookmark/layer widget issues.