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ExpBuilder -- Add Locate Tool to map but only in Mobile, not in Desktop

05-11-2021 03:33 PM
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Frequent Contributor

I'd like to enable the Locate Tool in a map widget for mobile users, but not enable it on desktop.  Desktop users don't get a useful location result if they are on a network.

Is there any way to do this in Experience Builder?

Washoe County GIS
6 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Jay, agreed this would be useful!

I just tried and seem to be unable to do this. I expected to be able to disable the "Locate" feature in Desktop, but keep it enabled in the Mobile version if the inheritance setting was Custom. But the setting seems to apply at the Map level and to both formats regardless. 

Sorry. Hopefully someone else has a workaround!


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Frequent Contributor

Only the size and position settings of a widget can be changed for different sized devices.  Generally speaking, settings in the "Content" panel will always be applied on all sized devices.

It is my understanding that the only way to do what you are asking would be:

1.  In the view for small devices, duplicate the Map Widget (called, for example, Map2).

2.  In the view for small devices, move the original Map Widget (called, for example, Map1) to the pending list.  This is primarily what the pending list is for - hiding widgets for the device size you are working on configuring. 

3.  Set the Locate Tool as desired on Map1 and Map2.

The pending list can get long in larger projects making things a bit complicated.

Frequent Contributor

Hi @DaveFullerton , I didn't know this about the pending list. Does having a huge pending list affect performance that you've seen? Thanks for the reply.

Frequent Contributor

I couldn't say how it affects performance.  I haven't tried anything to see if it does.  Here is the conversation I had with @DanJiang about using the pending list: 

Perhaps @DanJiang  will answer your question about whether or not we should be concerned with performance issues.

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Esri Contributor

Hi @DaveFullerton and @BrittanyBurson , the widgets in the pending list won't render at runtime thus it won't affect the performance for the app.

Frequent Contributor

Thanks, @DanJiang !