I'm trying to create a viewer of 360 panorama images using the Experience builder, where users can click on a point in the map and the Embed widget pulls the URL of each panorama from the attributes of the point.
The URL is created by combining the Pannellum standalone viewer link (details here: https://pannellum.org/documentation/examples/simple-example/) with the URL of the 360 image for each point.
This works perfectly when clicking on the first point, but it then won't refresh and load the new 360 view when clicking on the next point.
Any help on how to get the 360 view to refresh between each image would be much appreciated.
Hi Mike,
Is the URL stored as an attribute in the feature layer for each point? What parameters does the URL have? Can you provide me to URL examples?
Hi David,
Yes, I have a full URL for each panorama for as an attribute of the feature, although I also tried constructing the URL for the panorama using an expression in the embed widget settings but got the same results.
Here's an example URL from Pannellum's website: https://cdn.pannellum.org/2.5/pannellum.htm#panorama=https%3A//pannellum.org/images/alma.jpg&autoLoa...
Hi Mike,
I will need to debug this and get back to you. This has worked for me with other 360 panorama images so I am not sure what is going on. For example, try these two URLs in two of your features: https://kuula.co/share/collection/7lPMY?fs=1&vr=1&zoom=1&sd=1&thumbs=1&chromeless=1&logo=-1
Hi David,
I've added in the links from Kuula and they work perfectly. However, I'd rather not move away from Pannellum if it can be avoided.
Hi Mike,
We tracked down the issue. We logged it and will get it fixed.
Thanks David, glad to hear it. Any idea on when the fix will be done?
Hi Mike,
This would be a 1.1 fix, which would be available mid-summer for both online and dev edition. Which edition are you using?
Hi David,
Thanks for the update. I've been using the online edition.
Hello @MikeLelliott
This should have been fixed with the release around July 2020. If you come across any other issues, please let us know. Thanks.