I am able to access and query a DataSource just fine from a custom widget. But I need to insert/update some records programmatically as well. When I try to use ds.updateRecord() I get an error "Editing source is not ready yet". Any ideas how to make it ready?
I confirmed the DataSource is coming from the Feature Service and the capabilities say "Query,Create,Update,Uploads,Editing"
//Get update data source
const ds = DataSourceManager.getInstance().getDataSource(props.useDataSources[1].dataSourceId) as FeatureLayerDataSource
//Get record to update
where: "UserId='" + props.user.username + "'"
}).then((result) => {
if (result.records && result.records.length > 0)
//Get record data and change
const record = result.records[0]
const dat = record.getData()
dat.TypeCode = "New Value"
//Process update --ERROR HERE: Editing source is not ready yet
ds.updateRecord(dat).then((success) => {
Examples seem to show creating an editor widget. I am just wanting to call the service on the backend and do some edits though. In this case for a non-spatial table even. Worst case I suppose I could use the JS API or call the service endpoint directly, but assuming I am missing something with ExB objects.
Thanks for any help!
Hi @RyanCoodey ,
The data source in ExB doesn't implement edit-related methods, including the `updateRecord`. You can do it using the applyEdits method of the ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript.
const jsAPIFeatureLayer = await featureLayerDs.createJSAPILayerByDataSource()
const result = await jsAPIFeatureLayer.applyEdits(edits, options)
Hope it can help you.