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Dynamic content and text

10-30-2024 02:42 PM
Emerging Contributor

G'day all. Hopefully a relatively simple question. I am constructing a search-driven list - in this case you look for a historic place and then it provides you with a year-by-year list of people that worked at that place. A simplified version of this looks like below. There are a total of 106 specific job titles, but most places only have a few of them.


This returns something like:


As you can see, it's a little bit sparse. Ideally, I want to have the position listed before the name i.e 'Assistant Superintendent: John Elley'. However, of course, the appearance of the job title has to be driven by the inclusion of that job in the list - I don't want to have 'Assistant Superintendent: ' appear if that job is not relevant to that place. With over 100 job titles, I'd have a long list of empty jobs.

Does anybody know how I'd go about making sure I'd have a title followed by the person? I presume it's to do with Dynamic content: Expression, but for the life of me I cannot work out what said expression should be.

Thanks in advance

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3 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

I don't think there is a good way to do this within Experience Builder itself, however, if you go to the Map Viewer and you can use Arcade in your popup and a number of Experience Builder Widgets, including the Feature Info Widget, will respect it. You should be able to write an Arcade script that will do what you want. I'm not familiar enough with Arcade to write that script without doing some research first, but it might be possible to use a loop in your script that would save a lot of typing.

GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
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Emerging Contributor

G'day @JeffreyThompson2. Thanks for the response. Ah, that's a shame - but not unexpected. I will live in hope that somebody else has hit upon a solution. Pop-ups are not an option unfortunately - they are already being used to convey other information.

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Frequent Contributor

Honestly, this kinda sounds like it could be a data schema/normalization issue. The information about each site's titles and people might want to be in a related table, or at the very least normalized by sites of a particular type.