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Date/time field values not displaying in Dynamic Content

3 hours ago
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

I'm running into an issue with using date/time fields in Dynamic Content in Text widgets in AGOL Experience Builder: When I use any date/time field as the source for a Dynamic Content value, the value does not display.

I know the values are there, because they show in popups and I can successfully use them to sort a List widget connected to the data. So I end up with a situation where there is a List widget with Text in the list item, both widgets are connected to the same data source, the List is sorted using a date/time field, and that same field does not show up when I use it as dynamic content in the Text widget.

This same issue is happening for every date/time field in the layer, as far as I can tell.

I saw a lot of posts about date/time values showing up without the time portion (not the problem I'm having), which was usually fixed by editing the layer's Field settings in a web map. I've checked the Field settings for multiple date/time fields in this layer, and they seem to be okay.

Bonus clue: I get this error in the browser console: 


Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggested fixes?

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