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Custom Web Tool in Analysis Widget Issue

10-31-2023 12:17 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor II

I have a custom web tool that I am using in the new Analysis Widget. It has an input parameter that is layer. I set up the widget to include a web map with the layer I want user to use as the input, but when I try to use the tool nothing happens when I click the "+ Layer" button. It just says the input is required. If I use a built-in Spatial Analysis Tool, the "+ Layer" button allows me to select the layer from the map.




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9 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks for your feedback! Could you share more information? What is your parameter type for the layer? 
GPFeatureRecordSetLayer or something else? 

New Contributor II

Correct. In the model that I used to publish the tool, it is the input layer parameter to the Select tool. This GP Service has been working fine in Web AppBuilder, but I wanted to migrate it to Experience Builder.





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Esri Regular Contributor

@taylorrobinfemadhsgovRobin It looks like a bug. More questions:
1. Did you see the error inside builder with live view or in launched app with preview? 
2. Would you be able to share this gp services with me for a further investigation? (You may give me private message)

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Occasional Contributor III


I have a similar issue, where my gpserver should allow me to draw on the map, but only allows me to select the point layer that is on my map...

The same is working in my tollbox and in webappbuilder :





Param :



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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @PierreloupDucroix ,

Drawing features has not yet been supported in ExB analysis widget. We are working on that. Please stay tuned.


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New Contributor III

Do you have any indication of when drawing features will be supported? Why would this widget even be pushed out without this capability? The geoprocessing widget capability is a huge need and is currently unusable. 

Esri Regular Contributor

The drawing feature in Analysis would be supported in second quarter of 2024. 

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New Contributor III

Why would this widget even be pushed out without this capability? The geoprocessing widget capability is a huge need and is currently unusable.

My informed guess is the ExB team needed a "success story" to point to on this front. ExB is and continues to be in beta for an unacceptable length of time. It seems things are marked as 'done' for milestone celebration, but do not align with their actual implementation. Like 75% of their functionality matrix is just an outright lie. 

I'm admittedly a cynic, but ExB offers UI advancements at the cost of functionality, stability, and usability, seemingly introducing more problems than it attempts to solve. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

The drawing feature capability is already available in ArcGIS Online since its February release. 
Thanks for your feedbacks!