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Custom images for bookmarks no longer available??

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03-20-2024 05:49 AM
Emerging Contributor

It seems that the ability to customize Experience Builder bookmarks with uploaded images has vanished. Not sure if this is directly related to the recent AGOL update, but I noticed it for the first time yesterday. My existing bookmark images, which I added some weeks back, are still there, but I have no way to modify them or to create a new bookmark that contains an image.  I can only manually set a map extent which then acts as the boomark's thumbnail. Are others finding this? Was this an intentional change? Would love to know if there is something I am missing!

Thanks in advance for any help/insight!

11 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@L77 if you not not need image but just text, you can use List bookmark template. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

This UX issue has been fixed in November 2024 ArcGIS Online release. Please let us know if any further issue. Thank you all!


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