Hello All!
I have a score which is calculated by combining multiple fields in the layer multiplied by a parameter for each one:
Score = a * Field1 + b*Field2 + c*Field3
Is there a way for the user to edit values of a, b and c so that the score can be recalculated on the Application and the metrics and map are updated. I'm thinking on using Data Expressions but I don't se the option of getting user input.
Hi Jose,
I am working on a similar issue where I would like the user to input values as weights for a multiple criteria analysis. I don't have a full solution but am thinking about using sliders in a custom app with calcite or Jimu-UI, I have put this together in the code snippet below but I am not sure how I would connect the value returned in the slider to the attributes.
import { CalciteButton, CalciteIcon, CalciteSlider } from 'calcite-components'
const Widget = (props: AllWidgetProps<IMConfig>) => {
const text = props.config.text
const [sliderValue0, setSliderValue0] = React.useState(0)
return (
<div className="widget-calcite jimu-widget m-2">
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello, {text}</h1>
onCalciteSliderUpdate={(e) => setSliderValue0((e.target as
any).value)} />
<p>The slider currently has a value of {sliderValue0}</p>
I think there is a solution in here but I'm not sure how it would be implemented. Hopefully my response will inspire others to discuss!