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Blog Embed?

4 weeks ago
Occasional Contributor

Hey guys, 

I'm looking to add a blog component to a web experience. I am creating a website for a drain project for a client, we want to post construction updates and be able to link to individual posts. I would like to embed a blog platform, but haven't seen this done yet. Does anyone have any ideas what blog platforms play nicely with experience builder? Has anyone done this, or can you provide me examples where I can see the embed integrated nicely within experience builder?



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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

So I take it that you don't have a existing blog? Perhaps, you could make one with Survey123? If you make entries with the Survey Widget, they should store to a compatible data source and can be retrieved within Experience Builder.

Using the Embed Widget to link to some blog site should be fine for viewing posts and you should be able to use URL Parameters to control what page you link to. Creating posts probably won't work though. If the blog site using any sort of JavaScript for log-in or validating entries, it will most likely be blocked on one end or the other.


GIS Developer
City of Arlington, Texas
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