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AGO Experience Builder Analysis Widget

03-01-2024 07:49 AM
Occasional Contributor

We have a public geoprocessing service in this AGO application in WAB. I have been testing the most recent updates to the Analysis Widget in Experience Builder. The ability to draw the input parameter on the map is a great improvement. However, the widget is still missing functionality that is available in the WAB Geoprocessing Widget. The input configuration is missing “use current map extent” for the extent parameter. There are not options for configuration of output popup or symbology.

The major issue we have found is there is no way to configure the widget to not create a feature service. In WAB if I uncheck “Visible”, the results are added to the map and not too AGO My Content.


In Experience Builder, there is no option in the builder. The hint in the app GUI states if left blank a feature service will not be created.


However, if left blank the tool fails.




20 Replies
New Contributor

@Wei_Ying Here is the URL:

However, maybe you cannot enter it due to our firewall. In that case, what's your email address?

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @BrettMartin1 ,

I have logged an enhancement request for controlling parameter visibility of custom tools.


Occasional Contributor

Hello @Wei_Ying

The tool is now working! However, after testing several other tools I have several new requests. We had the ability to configure the output pop up in WAB. 

Also, I love having the ability to have multiple GP services in one widget. However, can we get an option to edit the names of the tools? Seems to be pulling straight from service name. 





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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi @BrettMartin1 Thanks for the feedback. For your request. 

We had the ability to configure the output pop up in WAB. 

So far we don't have that plan. But in future we may enhance to support.

Also, I love having the ability to have multiple GP services in one widget. However, can we get an option to edit the names of the tools? Seems to be pulling straight from service name. 

We are working on enhance to rename the tool label. 



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Occasional Contributor

I see we can change the name of the tools now, thank you.

We need the ability to configure the pop up of the output.

More importantly we need to same options from WAB for the extent parameter. Currently users will have to draw a polygon for the extent of processing since "current map extent" is not an option like WAB. 




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Esri Regular Contributor

Thanks for you feedback. We will try to support these features in future releases. 

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Occasional Contributor

Thank you for getting back so quickly. I have one more request. The tool will run with "Output Feature Service Name" blank. Which you all fixed and previous release. However, if I enter a service name while logged into my AGO account, I get the error below. Can have an option to make "Output Feature Service Name" not visible. This was an option in WAB. This is very confusing for public users to tell the not to populate the text box. 



The export results is also limited from the options in WAB. The "save my content" was very useful for users who do have AGO accounts and use ArcGIS Pro. 


The "Allow drawing on the map" is also not optimal. In WAB the widget recognized my feature set parameter was a point and only gave the option for a point in the tool. EB gives all the option below which is also confusing for public users. 



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New Contributor

Hi folks,

I got caught up in the topic without realizing that the Summer 2024 update has apparently reverted the EB Analysis widget back to how the old WAB GP widget works.  At least it seems so.  Brett and Wei, is that correct?

Is it a fair statement to say the EB documentation is lagging in explaining this?  I still see statements about the Analysis widget needing an AGO account to use.  

Also it now seems like the option to directly load GP services results into a hosted feature layer is just kaput.  I suppose I was hoping for both options where if one is logged into AGO then the latter option is made available.  Is that in the future widget roadmap?


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Occasional Contributor

There have been no changes to the tool even with the most recent November update. We are planning to move this GP service to a VertiGIS workflow once WAB is no longer supported. We have already done so for internal application. Not sure why esri cannot at least provide the functionality that exist in the WAB geoprocessing widget. Folks have business processes built around these tools. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

@BrettMartin1 we have implemented most of the functionalities from WAB. What exact functionality are you looking for? 

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