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Add Feature for Table Returns success, Add Result when returned for relationship doesn't

Labels (1)
New Contributor III

So I have a bit of a puzzling behavior.

We have been working on a custom widget that allows us to collect data from a form, and then add it to a table in AGOL.    The edit is conducted via apply edits sending the new feature with 'add-feature' as part of the data sent.

When it returns it returns as expected and that table entry now appears:



This table also has a relationship with the ID Field used for the parcel, so I have to make sure the relationship is created in code.   I use a similar service call (just different feature data going to the relationship and it returns:


At first I thought it must have worked because I got a globalID back, but it doesn't include success= true and error is returned = null.  Does this mean the add failed? Or is it possible I've done something else wrong?

The table and relationship are in the same service (and are also in a map that uses the service inside of it in case that matters).

Any thoughts?


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