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Splash Pages: Change font formatting of confirmation text

06-02-2023 06:45 AM
Status: Open
Labels (2)
MVP Regular Contributor

Currently, the confirmation text ("I agree to the above terms and conditions") and the "Don't show this again" text are black and unable to be changed, unlike the rest of the text on the splash page. 

Don't show this again

Editing options available:
Only font size and content


Other text on the splash screen can have the text edited, as well as font formatting, e.g. color or italics.


This is frustrating to use; I wanted to make a black splash screen but can't see any of the confirmation text.



Please add the ability to format confirmation text for splash pages.


Were you ever able to find a workaround for this?


I am having the same issue as Alfred (above). Everything is configured with my organization's brand colors, but the confirmation text color cannot be changed. Will this be updated any time soon?


It is very strange to me that the color of this text is not editable but the size is. I wonder what goes on underneath that would make implementing the ability to change the color more difficult, or if this is just something that was forgotten. Either way, this needs to be made possible.


Right now, in order to change the text color, I have to change the Dark color in my theme's style, but that changes other elements that I do not want changed. I have set a background to my window that makes the font impossible to read using the same color as is applied to all other Dark theme elements in my app. But if I change the Dark theme color, those other elements become unreadable. 




I would like to be able to change both the outline for the checkbox and the confirmation text so I don't end up with this: 





The whole point of Exp. Builder was to give the user more control yet they forget to give us the option to control the color for the terms and conditions? 🤦‍.....🤷‍