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Move Clear highlights Button from Query Widget to Within Query Widget

04-25-2024 11:29 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
MVP Regular Contributor

When a user clicks the Show on Map option in the Query Widget, the Clear Results Button appears in the lower-right of the Map Widget. This button placement is hard to notice and non-intuitive, as shown by questions like this one. It would be much easier for users to find if this button were placed within the Query Widget itself.

The choice of a trashcan icon is also not very intuitive and could be perceived by the end-user as dangerous. Something more like the enable/disable feature selection icon or the view/hide eye icon from the Calcite icon set would be more intuitive and less threatening.

1 Comment

I second this idea.

I would also add that when there is only one layer with features shown on the map, clicking the trashcan icon alone should remove it. In other words, when only one layer has been shown on the map, users shouldn't have to click the trashcan and then also click the name of the layer they want to clear from the popup that appears when the trashcan is clicked. It should just be one click. 

I would also add that it would be great if after the user adds a selection to the map, the "show on map" option in the data actions changed to "clear from map" or something. So clicking the action the first time shows the features and clicking it a second time clears them. When I first tested my app, that was what I tried to do to get rid of the highlighted feature, but clicking it twice just adds the same feature to the map twice. It took me quite a while to notice the trash can in the corner of the map and associate it with this action.


(Note that this is the Near Me widget, not the Query widget, but I think the idea is the same.)