Enable Downloading Experience in ArcGIS Online

12-06-2022 07:35 AM
Status: Open
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MVP Regular Contributor

I would like to see the ability added to download a published Experience directly from ArcGIS Online, like you can download one in the Experience Builder Developer Edition. 

The use case is to make it easier to self-host Experiences on one's own web server, when you don't any of the additional capabilities the Developer Edition provides.

To host an Experience on your own web server, you currently have to setup Experience Builder Developer Edition, and import your Experience from ArcGIS Online to it. Once it is there, then you can publish the Experience, and then use the Download button to get a zipped copy of it. Lastly, you can upload that zip file and uncompress it on your own web server to self-host the Experience.

If one could download the zipped copy of the Experience directly from ArcGIS Online, that would eliminate that need to setup and use Experience Builder Developer Edition.

This would be especially helpful, and save steps, when you are frequently updating your Experience in ArcGIS Online, and then moving it to your own web server.


Absolutely.  This is why I have not let go of the classic StoryMaps yet.  We have to customize various things like Google tags, URLs, colors, etc. and we prefer to self-host.


This is definitely needed. 

It's great to build a prototype with https://experience.arcgis.com/ 

Now being able to download and work on the experience in the development environment would be a great work-flow.



1. write down your AGOL ExB Portal itemID

2. go to https://ago-assistant.esri.com/ , login to your AGOL

3. Select I want to .. view an Item's JSON


4. search for your Experience Builder portal item id


5. Click on the result > there are two (2!) JSON paragraph appearing on the right
6. scroll down to "data" and click "copy JSON"


7. open Notepad and paste your JSON ,  save as "config.json" in your  C:\ArcGISExperienceBuilder\server\public\apps\0  (thus overwriting the existing config.json)
8. Don't  forget to also overwrite the twin copy in C:\ArcGISExperienceBuilder\server\public\apps\0\resources\config
 (note that app /0/ is used as an example : the best is to create a blank project in ExB and replace that one)
9. Fix the config.json so that widget verions match with your ExB Dev Edition (I strongly recomment to get the very latest ExB dev edition 🙂 otherwise there will be some serious hacking that involves peeling onions and crying. 
10. Re-run ExB Dev edition : and try re-opening that hacked project 

DO BACKUPS 🙂 and don't forget there are 2 identical copies of config.json that must be maintained (one is draft and one is the "published" version)

This may not work on all widgets and for all versions - do some tests.